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Showing posts from April, 2021

Putin Brings Term Limits Into Question

Love him, hate him, or simply don't care about him, Vladimir Putin will be allowed to serve as President of Russia for the foreseeable future. But one thing that many sensationalist headlines are ignoring, is that he actually has to be elected to continue in his role as the Russian head of state. Whether you think Russia has fair elections or not, it brings a broader question into the fore; should political term limits even exist? Let’s move west of the Kremlin, and think about this political situation with some leaders who are more favourable to westerners than the beast from the east. Barack Obama was not allowed to run for a third term in office in 2016, ultimately leading to the election of Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton was simply not as likeable as Obama, something that wasn’t helped by the email scandal or her attack on republican supporters that had an affect on the middle ground. Obama, a much more liked public figure, would have surely retained the White House for a thir...

Government Have Created Battle Royale Of Professions

The government have taken a sharp turn on their often winding and bumpy COVID journey, by completely restructuring the latter stages of the COVID vaccine roll-out plan. Now rather than vaccinating professionals on the basis of their jobs, which is a major contributing factor when it comes to health risks, the Fianna Fáil / Fine Gael / Greens Government have simplified the plan, meaning it will now be structured according to age. It was something that I had previously put out into the world of social media, which received a variety of responses, and which I will put to you readers here. Should a forty-something year old working from home, be prioritised over a twenty-something year old working on the front line? The government’s answer to that question is a resounding ‘No’, according to their new vaccine roll-out plan, which will see such a situation occur. But rather than joining forces, whether personally or through unions, it seems that people are turning against each other, and ...